- Select one or more geometry objects
- run script
- choose from any of the below buttons
- Reset Xform - Resets selected objects XForms
- Reset Normals - applies an edit normals modifier and resets all of the normals (so that they are again controlled by smoothing groups)
- Reset Object - creates a new box object and attaches the existing mesh to it, then deletes the temporary box.. This essentially wipes all object properties. material, wire colour and pivot are all retained.
- New Scene - exports the selected geometry, creates a new scene and imports it again. deletes the FBX file when done.
-- Mixescript snippet: Fix Objects -- attempts to correct common problems with meshes -- USAGE -- select the bad meshes -- run script -- choose any of the buttons. I recommend working top to bottom rollout rol_FixObject "Fix Object" width:104 height:168 ( button btn_ResetXForm "Reset XForm" pos:[8,40] width:88 height:24 button btn_ResetNormals "Reset Normals" pos:[8,72] width:88 height:24 button btn_ResetObject "Reset Object" pos:[8,104] width:88 height:24 button btn_NewScene "New Scene" pos:[8,136] width:88 height:24 label lbl1 "Warning: will collapse stack" pos:[16,8] width:72 height:32 on btn_ResetXForm pressed do ( undo on ( objarray = getcurrentselection() for obj in objarray do ( ResetXform obj ConvertTo obj Editable_poly ) select objarray ) ) on btn_ResetObject pressed do ( undo on ( max modify mode objarray = getcurrentselection() newsel = #{} for i = 1 to objarray.count do ( obj = objarray[i] fixedobj = Box lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 length:1 width:1 height:1 mapcoords:on pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:off fixedobj.pivot = obj.position fixedobj.wirecolor = obj.wirecolor fixedobj.mat = obj.mat ConvertTo fixedobj Editable_poly polyop.attach fixedobj obj polyop.deleteverts fixedobj #{1..8} --delete original box objarray[i] = fixedobj ) select objarray ) ) on btn_ResetNormals pressed do ( undo on ( max modify mode objarray = getcurrentselection() for obj in objarray do ( ConvertTo obj Editable_poly select obj modPanel.setCurrentObject obj polyop.setVertSelection obj #all allverts = polyop.getVertSelection obj allnormals = #{} enMod = Edit_Normals () modPanel.addModToSelection (enMod) ui:on enMod.ConvertVertexSelection allverts allnormals enMod.Reset selection:allnormals ConvertTo obj Editable_poly ) select objarray ) ) on btn_NewScene pressed do ( --checks cancel = false if selection.count == 0 then (messagebox ("please select one or more objects"); cancel = true) if maxfilepath == "" then (messagebox ("please save your scene first."); cancel = true) if cancel == false then ( ContinueScript = queryBox "This will create a new scene and only copy across geometry. Unsaved changes will be lost. Continue?" if ContinueScript then ( exportpath = maxfilepath + maxfilename + ".FBX" exportFile exportpath #noPrompt selectedOnly:true actionMan.executeAction 0 "16" --new scene --actionMan.executeAction 0 "40005" -- reset scene -switch this out for above line if you want to keep materials etc. this is essentially less aggressive. importFile exportpath #noPrompt deleteFile exportpath ) ) ) ) CreateDialog rol_FixObject NewDlg